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My Body, Earth Body: A Somatic Nature Immersion


Program Dates :
August 29 to September 1, 2024

Arrival will be 5 pm on Thursday August 29th
Departure will be 1 pm on Sunday September 1st

Program Location:
outside Rollinsville, Colorado
Exact location will be shared upon enrollment

Maximum Participants:
8 Humans

This body-centric program offers an opportunity to pause as the seasons turn from the ripeness of summer towards the decay of autumn.

Join us for four days in the sacred mountains near the Continental Divide, where nature and community will meet us as our whole selves. This program includes a Daywander and Interplay activities for physical movement, voice, and storytelling. These practices will offer space to explore and reclaim our bodies as divine aspects of the Earth body.


A daywander is a daylong solo nature experience held by community. It is a wilderness meditation. It is a place of slowing down, of being with nature and being with yourself, your body, your heart.

More concretely, a daywander is a solo experience in which you spend time alone in the wilderness from sunrise to sunset. That time is bookended by time spent in the community of fellow participants and with the holding help of your guides, so that the lessons that you learn on the land can be witnessed by community, and brought forth into your everyday life.

A daywander is a fast— you will be fasting from human contact, from rooms and walls and couches, from familiarity, from the ping of your phone, and perhaps from food. You will be stripping away all these potential distractions in order to arrive at the heart of yourself. To slow down and tap into the embodied knowing that lives deep in your gut-heart.

This practice, as your guides offer it, is rooted in School of Lost Borders lineage.


On the first day, we will arrive and settle into our camping spots and begin to form the container for our time together. Within a Council circle of community during the first two days, we’ll refine our intentions for this time with a mindful short wander in the woods. We’ll  invite playful curiosity and embodiment practices with roots in the InterPlay ethos to explore the stories we believe about ourselves, our roles, and our lives.

On the third day, you’ll be able to savor a full sunrise to sunset cycle in solitude on the land, listening deeply to your own inner knowings and to  the stories the land offers you. Return to a warm meal and community gathering before sharing the wisdom we have gathered with our community circle, for all to benefit. 

All bodies are welcome to join us in this exploration. We are committed to making programs accessible to queer folx.

Program Guides


Tonks is a feral femme, a humble student of mother nature, an embodied animal, a community builder, and a long-time guide. Learn more about them here.


Linds (they/them) is a storyteller, space holder, and facilitator, working with folks who are longing to rediscover our own inner wisdom, connect each other in community, and with the natural world. Linds weaves practices in nature, mindfulness, play, storytelling, and justice together and brings all of these juicy, playful practices to the Guide seat.



The suggested donation for this four day program is from $350 to $800.

If you are curious where you might fall on this scale, these guidelines from our friends at School of Lost Borders could offer some guidance.

If this range is not affordable for you, please reach out. We strive to make our programs accessible, especially for members of underserved communities. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

For more information about donations please see the general Daywander page.


We require a $150 deposit upon your accepted enrollment in the program. This ensures that those who sign up are fully committed to the journey— which is both helpful for your guides in resourcing our time, and helpful for you in that it encourages thoughtful consideration before stepping into this work.

Ready to embrace your wholeness?

“This was such a powerful and transformative experience. It allowed for time and space to go deeply into myself and listen to my heart's truest desires. The guides made this an incredibly accessible and healing practice and the other participants were inspiring and now feel like close friends. I am so deeply grateful.”


Lingering Questions?
Curious if this is the right program for you?
Want to learn more?

Many of the programs we offer, when compared to the world that most modern American humans walk though on a daily basis, are strange and foreign to say the least ..... at least that is how I felt when I first entered the world of nature-based ceremony.

You have made it to the bottom of this page, so it’s highly likely a part of you is feeling called to (or at a minimum curious about) this work. If when feeling into your body you also notice parts with hesitation or confusion or questions— please reach out. I am more than happy to connect and do my best to create more understanding for you— with absolutely no pressure to join the program.

July 28

Deer Park Mindful Backpacking Retreat

September 20

Fall into Fall, 2-Day Program